Here are more babies recently born in Gwent.

Every Monday on our New Arrivals page we give them a big welcome to the world.

If you’ve recently had a baby and would like to share your news with us go to and fill in our easy-to-use Q&A.

South Wales Argus: Mia-May Ann Wakefield was born on May 7, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 13oz. Mum and dad are Charlene Morris and Jamie Wakefield, of Newport. Her siblings are Leo (11), Kaylum (10) and Layla (seven).Mia-May Ann Wakefield was born on May 7, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 13oz. Mum and dad are Charlene Morris and Jamie Wakefield, of Newport. Her siblings are Leo (11), Kaylum (10) and Layla (seven).

South Wales Argus: Miracle baby Amiyah Pewtner arrived on May 4, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 10oz. She is the first child of Stacey Greenhill and Jorell Pewtner, of Newport, who had been trying for seven years.'Miracle' baby Amiyah Pewtner arrived on May 4, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 10oz. She is the first child of Stacey Greenhill and Jorell Pewtner, of Newport, who had been trying for seven years.

South Wales Argus: Dhalia Elizabeth John was born on May 16, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 8lbs 3oz. She is the first child of Callum John and Gina Young, of Cwmbran.Dhalia Elizabeth John was born on May 16, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 8lbs 3oz. She is the first child of Callum John and Gina Young, of Cwmbran.

South Wales Argus: Oscar Jones arrived on April 22, 2021, weighing 8lb 4oz. His parents are Lizzie and Gabriel, of Caerleon and his siblings are Ella (four) and Amelia (five).Oscar Jones arrived on April 22, 2021, weighing 8lb 4oz. His parents are Lizzie and Gabriel, of Caerleon and his siblings are Ella (four) and Amelia (five).

South Wales Argus: Xander Gin arrived on April 19, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 4oz. Mum and dad are Georgia Bird and Alexander Gin, of Newport, and his siblings are Hari (six) and Jackson (three).Xander Gin arrived on April 19, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 4oz. Mum and dad are Georgia Bird and Alexander Gin, of Newport, and his siblings are Hari (six) and Jackson (three).

South Wales Argus: Gia-Raye Hanbury was born on May 3, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 12oz to Sharice Hanbury, of Newport.Gia-Raye Hanbury was born on May 3, 2021, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 5lb 12oz to Sharice Hanbury, of Newport.