THE newly transformed Llanfrechfa Grange Walled Garden opened for the first time yesterday to visitors after more than six years in the making.

The garden is situated next to the now-completed Grange University Hospital - and the curious were able to take a look around after pre-booking a free slot.


Early in 2015, this was a forgotten acre on the former site of a Victorian mansion house that subsequently saw service as a boys’ training centre and a hospital.

The greenhouse area

The greenhouse area

It once boasted fruit trees and flower and vegetable plots tended by a head gardener with help from patients.

Then came decades of neglect. As hospital life went on around it, the garden fell into disuse

L-R: Volunteers Soozy, Marie and Jan

L-R: Volunteers Soozy, Marie and Jan

One of the trustees, Jan Smith, said it was so overgrown they had trouble getting into the garden to start their transformation.

However, thanks to the efforts of dedicated volunteers, the generosity of individuals and businesses, and much-needed grants, the garden is almost complete.

Artwork is also being installed around the garden

Artwork is also being installed around the garden

"There are still some areas to be planted and still some building work to be done, and some paving," added Jan.

"We have finished the infrastructure, now it's moving onto managing the garden itself, and looking forward to doing events and activities."