FUNDING could be provided for a scheme, which would help protect 270 properties in Cwmbran from flooding in the future.

Torfaen council could approve £95,500 of council funding to contribute to a scheme that will reduce the risk of major flooding from the Blaen Bran at Brookland Park’s culvert entrance. A culvert is either a tunnel carrying a stream or an open drain under a road or railway.

Flood mapping from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has confirmed there is a one-in-1,000 year risk of surface water flooding, which would affect Cwmbran Drive and Northville.


A report on the flood scheme says: “NRW’s flood mapping indicates that if the culvert in Brookland Park becomes blocked or its capacity is exceeded, over-land will flow down Cwmbran Drive, through the Maendy School site, into the southern part of Northville and on toward Morrison’s supermarket and the new Torfaen Learning Zone. 

“Historical events over the past 20 years confirm this flood path although flood water has never reached beyond Avondale Road.”

In the last 20 years, on at least three occasions the culvert entrance has led to flooding on to Cwmbran Drive.

Under NRW’s mapping, the one in 1,000 year flood event could flood more than 270 properties in Northville, Morrisons and the new Torfaen Learning Zone.

To solve this problem, a £636,000 flood defence will be built.

A Welsh Government land drainage capital grant will cover 85 per cent of the cost – £541,00 – but the council must front up the remaining £95,000.

A decision will be made next Tuesday (June 22) on whether to use council funds to front up the remaining cost.