TODAY we reach the letter H in our trip through the alphabet.

We are always amazed what our camera club members submit for our themed page.

This is just a small selection of the pictures shared by members of the South Wales Argus Camera Club and you can see more by visiting the SWACC page on Facebook. More than 4,400 people are signed up as camera club members. Why not join them?

South Wales Argus:

Hogweed: Picture by Rhiann Young

South Wales Argus:

Cute: Holding hands. Picture: Samantha Hawkins

South Wales Argus:

Hatching: Picture by Roslynne Eaton


South Wales Argus:

Halo: Around the sun. Picture taken in Rogerstone by Racheal O'Leary

South Wales Argus:

High speed: Trains rush through the station. Picture: Roger Fuller

South Wales Argus:

Helping hand: Picture by Ian Agland

South Wales Argus:

Heron: Picture by Andrew Rees

South Wales Argus:

Hillsides: Picture by Jason Owen Gray

South Wales Argus:

Hover: Picture by Sharon Smith

South Wales Argus:

Houses: Picture by David Barnes