THE South Wales Argus Camera Club has more than 4,400 members and we regularly feature their pictures both in paper and online.

But we thought it would be good to find out more about the people who make up the club.

If you are a member of the club and want to be part of the our Behind the Lens feature go to and fill out the easy to use Q&A.

Today we meet Vicky Williams, a 30-year-old civil servant.

When and why did you take up photography?

I have always taken photos. I am always that friend who would carry a camera on a night out when I was younger, before smart photos came out. Then my partner's dad, 'good old Edwin' gave me my first digital camera. And for my 30th I received a brand new Canon! And with lockdown in full force and walking being my only escape I feel I take lot more photos.


Why do you love taking pictures?

I love taking photos for the memories. My grandmother always showed me pictures of my ancestors and without photography I would never have got to see them. Lockdown has been hard on all of us, especially the ones who have lost someone. Unfortunately I lost my dad due to the virus and it is still very hard but thanks to photography I have many, many pictures of him which I will cherish and hopefully get to show future generations. Photos take me back to memories we love.

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

My favourite place to take pictures is anywhere up high. Feeling like your on top of the world with the clouds below you. We are so lucky to live here in the valleys. It's great exercise to walk to the top of the mountain with all my gear to the breathtaking views which you can then capture for ever in on simple snap.

What equipment do you use?

I use a Panasonic Lumix dmlcz40 , which had a zoom of 42x great for shooting the moon. My new camera is a Canon 4000d with a selection of lenses but the main lens I use is 18-55mm. And not forgetting my iPhone 12pro, which is also amazing when I haven't got my camera to hand.

What is the favourite picture you have taken and why?

My favourite picture has got to beone of my dad. It's one of the first photos I took when I first had my Lumix. He just looks like dad on there - so fit, healthy and happy as he always was. It's great that a photo can take you back to that happy memory. As now all I have are memories of him.

Why did you join the SWACC?

I joined the group after my partner's gran told me about the weekly spread of pictures in the Argus. She hoped that I would get one of my photos in the paper. So this is why I joined. The group is very helpful and gives you confidence and makes me love my photos even more.

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

I would say go for it. Visit as many places as you can. Go on lots of walks and go exploring. Always have your camera to hand. I haven't got any photography experience and it is all learning but there are lots of people out there who will help. Be confident in your photos.

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be and why?

I would love to snap as many sunsets and sunrise from all over the world. Another goal is to get a shot of the aurora - I think it would just be magical.