TWO trees have been cut down as part of plans to expand a pharmacy - despite a last-minute bid by a Newport community to save them.

The usually-peaceful Church Crescent in Bassaleg saw a great deal of activity today (Wednesday, July 7), as a group of residents fought to save the trees when workers turned up to cut them down.

Tensions grew, with local resident Anne Barton going so far as to park her car directly under the at-risk maple trees, in a bid to prevent the workers at the scene from chopping the trees down.


While suggestions that some locals might climb into, or chain themselves to the tree did not come to pass, the disruption was enough that six Gwent Police officers were called to the scene in a bid to “find a solution that everybody is happy with”.

South Wales Argus: The scene in Bassaleg this morning. Picture: Rachel Newbury

The scene in Bassaleg this morning. Picture: Rachel Newbury

Speaking to the Argus, Ms Barton said: “We didn’t even know that the trees were being cut down today. I only know because I saw the men arrive when I was on my way to work – usually I leave at around 7am.

“We’re trying to object to the council. We’ve called so many times, and only twice had an answer from them.

“There’s been no communication with local residents. They say they wrote letters to local residents but we’ve seen no letters.

“Those trees have been there 47 years. We’re asking the council to put a stay on felling the trees so we can get answers to our questions. This has been pushed through so fast, residents need time to get answers.”

According to planning documents available on the Newport City Council website, the trees are being felled as part of an approved proposal to expand Bassaleg pharmacy.

South Wales Argus: The scene in Bassaleg this morning.

The scene in Bassaleg this morning

In order for the premises to grow in size, the proposal asks that the two maple trees be cut down – and replaced with two lime trees in a nearby position.

As the trees are not covered by any protection order, this aspect, along with the planning application as a whole, was approved.

The planning application was received by the council in June 2020, and approved in May 2021.

Documents show that during this time, 13 properties were said to have been consulted, and only one objection was received within the window for public consultation – made by an anonymous resident.

Speaking at the scene, Cllr David Williams, who represents the Graig ward, said: “The land owner has planning permission.

South Wales Argus: The scene in Bassaleg this morning.

The scene in Bassaleg this morning

“Ultimately he has gotten permission to take the trees down.”

The day did not end up with the outcome that the local residents wanted, as work soon started to cut the trees down.

It has been confirmed that both trees have now been completely cut down.

Gwent Police and Newport City Council have been contacted for comment.