COMMUNITIES across Wales can now apply for grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 to celebrate their local heritage.

Cadw, the Welsh Government’s historic environment service and the Heritage Fund in Wales, are teaming to offer another round of the ’15-Minute Heritage’ programme.

The Welsh Government's deputy minister for arts and sport Dawn Bowden said: "In Wales we are surrounded by heritage, not just in our museums, castles and historic structures, but in anything that inspires a sense of belonging.

"Whether it’s through empowering volunteers with new skills, enabling people to engage with their local heritage in new and accessible ways, or providing opportunities for groups and individuals who are sometimes harder to reach, each successful project will deliver benefits to communities nationwide.

"That’s why I’m so very pleased that Cadw is once again collaborating with the Heritage Fund to help communities explore, celebrate and share their local heritage stories."


This is the second year the programme is running in Wales. It is based on a concept called 'the 15 minute city', thorugh which everyone should be able to meet most of their needs within just a short walk or cycle from their home.

The aim of the capital grant programme is to support projects that help to connect communities with the heritage on their doorstep so that local people can benefit from it and it can fund the buying of, upgrading and maintaining of equipment; furnishings; fixtures; land and buildings and also digital projects such as creating apps or websites.

In 2020, 84 projects in each of Wales’ 22 local authority areas- from Anglesey to Aberdare; from Goodwick to Gwynfi, received a ’15-Minute Heritage’ grant.

For details about how to apply for a ’15-Minute Heritage’ grant, click here.