BOTH TikTok and WhatsApp are set to trial and launch view-once, automatically deleting videos.

TikTok Stories will allow users to share content with their followers for 24 hours, after which the content will be deleted, and the latest version of WhatsApp will give users the option to send photos and videos that can only be viewed by the recipient once.

The feature will warn users to "only send photos or videos with View Once media enabled to trusted individuals".

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The companies have said the changes are being brought about to keep users' data more secure. But with this latest evolution happening across multiple social media platforms, are you sure you’re engaging with your apps safely?

As part of its advice on keeping your mobile phone secure, has pulled together five useful strategies for staying safe on social media. 

1. Update your apps regularly

When you’ve got many apps, it can seem like your phone is on a never-ending stream of updates. However, these updates very often include security upgrades, protecting your app, your device and, most importantly, you from malicious, third party attacks. 


2. Be mindful about what you’re sharing

You probably wouldn’t shout your home address or bank details across a busy supermarket, even if the recipient is somebody you know. Social media is just the same. Always think twice before sharing any information about yourself and your loved ones on social media, even when it’s with somebody you know. 

3. Hide your location

Some apps, like WhatsApp, allow you to share your location with other users, which can be great when you’re trying to meet up with someone. However, you don’t want your location falling into the wrong hands.

Consider disabling these functions and only enabling them when you know you’ll want to share your location with somebody. Alternatively, you can download secure location apps, such as What3Words, which allow you to share your precise location with friends without using your social media location services.

4. Make your account private

For some people, the appeal of social media apps is their ability to catapult you to fame and maybe even fortune. After all, this app on your smartphone is your way to broadcast to the entire world in ways that were entirely unimaginable as little as ten years ago.

Most social media platforms allow users to have a private account, which puts the user in control of who sees their content. But this access to the entire world doesn’t come without its risks. Consider limiting how many people can see your content by making your account private. This gives you much greater control over who sees what you share. 

5. Think before you send

Always exercise judgement when using social media and posting online. Never post anything that you’re not comfortable with the world seeing, or that might come to haunt you in the future. 

Take a breath before you hit send, or maybe ask yourself what would happen if your boss, favourite teacher, or granny saw what you were about to share online. If they wouldn’t be happy, is it really worth sharing?