CAMPAIGNERS have launched a petition calling on the Government to design a 'Care Leavers Plus' Universal Basic Income pilot that includes a range of people.

The petition asks the Government to design a ‘geographically-based Universal Basic Income’, that includes children, people in employment, people not employed and pensioners, as well as care leavers.

Mark Drakeford has committed to trialling some form of basic income in Wales, but so far it has been suggested the pilot scheme will only focus on specific groups of people, like care leavers, rather than a truly 'universal' approach.

However, campaigners believe a more widespread approach would allow the Government and the public to understand how the policy would impact Wales if it were rolled out tomorrow.

Jonathan Williams, co-founder of UBI Lab Wales, told The National: “We’re urging the Welsh Government to consider a wide-ranging pilot that is reflective of Wales so that we can accurately assess what impact it would have if the policy was rolled out to everyone.

“We think the approach to focus on care leavers is a noble one, and that’s why we’re asking for care leavers to be included alongside children, the employed, the unemployed and pensioners.

“This will allow us to understand the wider impacts of the policy whilst ensuring that care leavers get the added support they have been promised by the government.”


A trial of UBI has been backed by Wales' Future Generations Commissioner, who also backs the petition.

Sophie Howe said: “There is clear and public support for Universal Basic Income in Wales and Welsh Government has the opportunity to properly test how UBI could improve the lives of everybody.

“A wide-ranging UBI Care Leavers Plus Pilot that supports care leavers as well as a geographical range of people would be a true UBI trial, allowing us to examine the benefits of paying people adequately to live.

“Welsh Government should use the Well-being of Future Generations Act to make sure that we get this UBI pilot right – we must commit to exploring whole-heartedly how UBI could improve health, reduce poverty and create a more equal Wales.”

The Senedd’s petitions committee considers all petitions with more than 50 signatures, while those that receive more than 10,000 signatures are considered for debate in the Senedd.

As with all Senedd petitions, the UBI petition can be signed online.

The Government is expected to flesh out its plans for the trial after the Senedd returns in the autumn.

  • This article originally appeared on the Argus' sister site The National.