A NEWPORT author who has published work spanning 25 years has released a crime fiction book.

Dr Peter Marshall is a psychologist and author who recently released Chains of Corruption, published by Oakley Books.

Chains of Corruption follows the tale of investigative documentary producer, Harrison Jones, who discovers three different investigations are connected.

A fourth investigation – which leads him to stray on the wrong side of the law – provides the means to bring down a massive, international ring of coercive control that has been secretly strangling political, financial, commercial, and regulatory systems throughout the world for a long time.

The protagonist goes up against extremely powerful people, who discover his weakness and try to use this against him, but a potential romance spurs him on.


Chains of Corruption is full of twists and turns, along with technical knowledge in a range of subjects, offering readers the opportunity to learn while receiving an adrenaline hit.

The book includes insights into numerous topics, including:

  • Helicopter aviation
  • Computer data services
  • Building control
  • Waste management
  • Environmental pollution

Chains of Corruption is on sale now.