YESTERDAY was International Dog Day and you've been sharing your photos with the Argus.

Every year on August 26, International Dog Day is celebrated across the world. The dog is to encourage people to adopt dogs, instead of buying them from pet stores or shops. The day is also recognised to celebrate all dogs, irrespective of their shape, size, breed among others.

Katy Beddoe cares for her friends huskies Max and Delta and adores them.

She said: "Max and Delta are not my dogs, I don't own them, I merely care for them and as a result they are my best friends.

"Yes they both have their quirks and often drive me mad. Max when he's excited and walking in circles as a 'let me off the lead' protest and Delta with her various Diva demands. But nowhere near as much as they make me smile, laugh and fill my heart with love.

"They are my most unconditional loyal companions and our understanding of each other is an unbreakable telepathic connection. When I'm sad they don't leave my side, when I'm happy they are there to share it. Adopting a rescue is a bond like no other and the best thing I've ever done."