AMMANFORD AFC has raised money for a new device for a three-year-old boy with a rare brain disorder, to help him experience kicking a ball for the first time.

Zion Griffiths was diagnosed with Microlissencephaly at birth - meaning a small head and smooth brain.

The condition comes with a lot of complications including seizures and respiratory problems, and means Zion is unable to hold his head up, sit unaided or walk.

As part of his development, Zion's parents said he would benefit from a new piece of equipment called a Firefly harness.

The devise attaches to an adult and allows a child with motor impairment to stand upright and walk with the help of an adult.

Officials at Ammanford AFC wanted to help out and came up with the idea to donate money raised during a match game to help raise enough funds for Zion's parents to purchase the harness.


Zion and his mother Rukaya Picture: @hrmediaproductions

Zion and his grandmother Picture: @hrmediaproductions


Club officials issued a plea on social media ahead of their game on Friday, August 27, against Cwmbran Celtic, calling on supporters to purchase merchandise or make cash donations on the day; 50p from each merchandise sold went to the cause.

A £395 target was set but an incredible £500 was raised.

A club spokesman said: "Thank you to all the supporters over the past few days, we have managed to fund Zion's new equipment. The family have expressed their thanks to the whole football community for pulling together."