A DRIVER who killed a “much-loved” son when he got behind the wheel of a car after downing vodka at a house party has been jailed.

Dominik Jablonicky was sent to prison for six years after he ploughed into cyclist Matthew Brimble, 37, near Newport cenotaph during the early hours of the morning.

The city’s crown court was shown the horrific crash which was captured by CCTV.

The victim was thrown 57 metres through the air and died in hospital just over an hour later from his devastating injuries.

South Wales Argus:

Dominik Jablonicky

Czech Republic national Jablonicky did not stop and fled from the crash scene at around 2am on Wednesday, March 31.

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Mr Brimble had been crossing Caerleon Road on his bike when he was struck at a speed of between 57 mph and 71mph.

The speed limit it 30mph.

The defendant’s Audi A3 car was found abandoned nearby and he returned to the scene and hour later to speak to police officers.

South Wales Argus:

Matthew Brimble

He claimed he was there because he was concerned a friend had been injured.

His conversation with a police officer was captured on her body worn camera and played to the court.

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The judge said it shows Jablonicky “drunk”.

The defendant handed himself into police 10 hours after the crash and gave a negative breath test for alcohol.

Gareth James, prosecuting, told the court: “The CCTV footage of the collision shows the area is open and well lit.

“There was a clear and unobstructed view for around 320m.

“The defendant should clearly have seen the victim and avoided him.

“The reason he didn’t was because he was intoxicated.

“He didn’t stop because he had been drinking.”

He said the defendant had nearly had a head on collision with a police car just before he struck Mr Brimble.

Jablonicky, 27, of Locke Road, Newport, pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.

He had no previous convictions.

Gareth Williams, representing him, said: “The defendant comes from a rural area in the Czech Republic and his family back home fear for him.

“He is a man of previous good character with no convictions.

“The defendant is remorseful and realises the devastation he has caused.

“He made a terrible decision to get behind the wheel of that car.

“He will regret it for the rest of his life.”

Judge Daniel Williams told Jablonicky: “I have seen the footage of the collision and it defies description.

“You were driving in such a condition and at such a speed that it left you in no condition to react to any hazard on the road.

“Mr Brimble in no way contributed to the collision – you are entirely to blame.

“He was a much-loved young man by his family and many friends.

“No sentence this court passes will relieve their agony or reconcile those who loved him for their loss.”

The judge added: “Your drinking had led to your gross impairment. Your driving falls into the most serious category.

“It’s also aggravated by your failure to stay. You simply left Mr Brimble to his fate.

“You only handed yourself in when you calculated there would be no alcohol in your system.”

Jablonicky was also banned from driving for nine years.

Outside the court, PC Spencer Clease, from Gwent Police’s serious collision investigation unit, said: “Our thoughts are with the family of Matthew Brimble and I hope the sentence imposed by the court today provides some closure for them.

“The dangerous driving the defendant displayed on that morning in March 2021 was truly shocking. Jablonicky was driving at high speeds on a 30mph road when he collided with Mr Brimble’s bike.

“He then showed no concern for Mr Brimble as he fled the scene without stopping to help.

“Jablonicky will have to spend the rest of his life with the knowledge that his driving has resulted in the death of Mr Brimble.

“At Gwent Police we’re committed to making our roads safer and we will take action against anyone who puts the lives of others at risk by dangerous driving.

“This tragic case highlights the dreadful consequences dangerous driving can have and should serve as a warning to all road users of the lifelong impact your actions can have on families.”