A DRUNKEN man who had been swigging wine from two bottles attacked his victim with a hammer after abusing him.

Rhys Herridge hit Jaye Lynch in the face with a mallet after turning up heavily “intoxicated” at his former partner’s home in Ebbw Vale.

The victim had blood running down the side of his head following the terrifying assault, prosecutor Nik Strobl said.

Mr Lynch was taken to hospital for treatment after suffering a cut to his head but did not need stitches, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

Herridge, 30, of Pen-y-Grug, Rassau, Ebbw Vale, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

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The offence was committed in August 2020.

Mr Strobl told the court that the defendant had nine previous convictions for 12 offences.

They include affray, battery, harassment and shoplifting.

Jeffrey Jones, representing Herridge, said his client had been grieving the loss of his father at the time of the offence.

His barrister added that the defendant was currently working and had a stable place to live after a period of “sofa surfing”.

The judge, Recorder Lucy Crowther, told Herridge: “You went to a friend’s house when you were drunk.

“You were really aggressive and rude and the people there persuaded you to go away.

“You returned with a plastic hammer and you struck Mr Lynch with a blow to his head and he had to go to hospital.

“Fortunately for you, his injuries were not as serious as they could have been.

“This was a really, really awful incident.”

The defendant was jailed for nine months, suspended for 18 months.

He was ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and complete a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Herridge will have to pay Mr Lynch £150 compensation, £150 towards prosecution costs and a victim surcharge.

The defendant was also fined £100 after he admitted a separate offence of failing to surrender.