A CHILD rapist was caught accessing the internet illegally when a woman turned detective and found a story about him on the Argus website.

As a result of his previous convictions, Newport paedophile Louis Beagen was barred from going on social media using a bogus name.

But the 28-year-old made contact with the woman, a stranger to him, on Facebook using a profile from the account of a user called Gareth Beagan.

David Cook, prosecuting, told Newport Magistrates’ Court how she became suspicious because there was no profile picture.

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Beagan had said he lived in Newport and had gone to Hartridge High School in the city.

He then sent her a photograph of himself lying bare-chested on a bed.

Mr Cook said: “She recognised his face.”

After searching online, she found a story on the Argus about him being jailed in 2018.

The woman contacted the police and he was arrested.

Mr Cook said: “The defendant told officers, ‘This was a blip. I apologise for making this mistake again. I have let myself down.’

The prosecutor added: “I would say this was a deliberate breach of a sexual harm prevention order although it was short in duration.”

Beagan has previous convictions for both child sex offences and breaching court orders.

He was locked up for more than six years in 2014 for sexual offences against underage teenage girls.

The defendant was jailed early 2021 after a judge branded him “extremely dangerous”.

Beagan’s latest offence was committed on December 28.

The defendant, of Ennerdale Court, Old Barn Estate, pleaded guilty to breaching the terms of a sexual harm prevention order.

Magistrates declined jurisdiction in the case because of the limitation on their sentencing powers and the case was adjourned to Newport Crown Court on January 13.

Louise Warren, representing Beagan, said she would not be making an application for bail and her client was remanded in custody.