A WARNING has been issued to anyone playing viral word puzzle game Wordle on an Android phone.

The free-to-use game is enjoyed by millions across the UK after rising in popularity over the Christmas period.

The simple game was created by software engineer Josh Wardel from Brookly, New York. 

The free game is available for everyone to play on their Web browser, and the best part is there are no adverts and you don't need to sign up for anything. 

Wordle is a daily game that people are encouraged to keep the word to themselves. 

What is Wordle?

The aim of the game is to find a word, with six attempts to fill in the blanks of a five-letter word. 

The game uses the same rules as Scrabble, where only real words are allowed both in guesses and the result. 

If you get a letter in the right spot and from the correct word, the square turns green. 

But if the guessed letter is in the word but not in the right spot, the square turns yellow. 

Letters which is wrong turn grey to help the process of elimination for the six tries.

Players get one chance a day to solve each game and the website helps keep track of wins, plays, and streaks. 

Once you finish the puzzle a timer counting down the hours till you can next play will appear. 

You can share the results on share via a spoil-free way using an emoji-fied version, which appears when you click the share button.

Warning issued to Wordle players

Now a fresh warning has been issued to fans of the game with suggestions copycat versions of the app could trick users into ‘malicious scams’.

The app’s creator has vowed to keep the game free however it has no trademark, leaving it open to copycat versions popping up in app stores.

Apple is already believed to have pulled some cone versions from its App Store.

Tech experts have urged users to remain vigilant over downloading potential copycat versions of the game onto their phones.