We are on the search for Gwent's Instagram fans.

Today we meet Natalie Rowles, 37, of Garndiffaith, who works at McDonalds. Her Instagram page is mcnitnat130592, which she set up back in 2015. She now has 521 followers.

What is your Instagram about?

It's about sharing my pictures

What has been your favourite post - and why?

There is a post I uploaded which I thought was an ironic post. The flower we planted in memory of my dad and a robin both taken 14.14 on July 18.

South Wales Argus: The flower we planted in memory of dad and a Robin both taken 14:14 on 18th July

Why is Gwent special to you?

My family; so much history and the scenery

What is the best thing about Instagram?

It doesn't have as many rubbish posts like you find on Facebook sometimes.

What other Instagrammers do you like to follow?


What is the most surprising thing that has happened to you because of Instagram?

Friends of friends followed and liked the images I shared.

I you would like to share your Instagram story go to www.southwalesargus.co.uk/instastories/