Here is a round up of the public notices which have appeared this week in the South Wales Argus:

  • Newport City Council is to ban waiting on parts of Caerphilly Road and Viaduct Way, Bassaleg.

1. To prohibit waiting on the following lengths of road at any time:

a) Caerphilly Road - North side from a point 10m west of its junction with the projected western kerbline of Station Approach to a point 46m west thereof.

b) Viaduct Way - West side from a point 12m north of the southern kerbline set back from its junction with Caerphilly Road to a point 36m north thereof.

c) Viaduct Way - west side from a point 62m north of the southern kerbline set back from its junction with Caerphilly Road to a point 36m north thereof.

Vehicles displaying a parking permit issued by the council as a consequence of the closure of Bassaleg Bridge will be exempt from this prohibition.

2. To prohibit all classes of vehicle from waiting on the following lengths of road at any time -

a) Viaduct Way - West side from the southern kerbline set back from its junction with Caerphilly Road to a point 12m north thereof.

b) Viaduct Way - West side from a point 48m north of the southern kerbline set back from its junction with Caerphilly Road to a point 14m north thereof.

c) Viaduct Way - West side from a point 98m north of the southern kerbline set back from its junction with Caerphilly Road to a point 35m north thereof.

The reason for making the order is to facilitate works on adjacent land at Bassaleg Bridge. The order came into operation on January 28, 2022 and will continue in force for a period not exceeding 18 months.

  • Howells Solicitors, Cardiff, is looking for anyone with a claim against or an interest in the estate of Howard Thomas Wellings (deceased), formerly of 8 Laurel Road, Bassaleg, Newport, who died on February 22, 2021.


  • Granville-West, Chivers and Morgan Solicitors, Caerphilly, is looking for anyone with a claim against or an interest in the estate of Jean Hoskins (deceased), formerly 35 Bright Street, Crosskeys and Tylscoed Home for the Elderly, Woodland Drive, Newbridge, who died on December 21, 2020.


  • Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council has received a Public Interest Report from the Auditor General for Wales in regards to arrangements in respect of Silent Valley Waste Services Ltd. The report concerns the council's governance and oversight arrangements in respect of Silent Valley Waste Services ltd. Any member of the public may inspect the report. And electronic copy of the report can be obtained by emailing or can be downloaded from the Audit Wales and council websites.

The council will be considering the report and the recommendation contained within it at a special council meeting on Monday, February 7, 2022, at 10am. The meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend this meeting live contact

  • Newport City Council has received the following planning applications in regard to listed buildings and conservation areas:

Retention of part of existing temporary access road, including stock fence and security gates at Ynys-Y-Fro Farm, Cwm Lane, Rogerstone.

Listed building consent for installation of boundary railings, pedestrian gates and driveway gates at 14 Victoria Place.

New waste management plant including workshop, offices, staff facilities, associated access and parking at land to north east of Unit 8, 28 East Retail Park, Docks Way.

Reserved matters application for 85 dwelling houses, associated infrastructure (including substation) and landscaping pursuant to outline permission for residential development of up to 1,100 dwellings and associated infrastructure works and details to partially discharge conditions 5 (building materials), 6 (hardscaping materials), 7 (boundary treatments), 8 (highway construction details, 12 (Drainage), 15 (arboricultural impact assessments), 18 (ecological management plan), 19 (noise assessment), 21 (parking) and 24 (Landscaping) at land to north of Little Milton Farm, Cot Hill, Llanwern.

Construction of additional stores unit and open fronted wash down area together with portacabin offices and other associated development at land west of Tom Lewis Way, Alexandra Docks.

Reserved matters application (all matters) and the partial discharge of conditions 08 (materials), 09 (hard landscaping), 10 (boundary treatments), 12 (parking and cycle storage), 15 (emergency access), 16 (roads, cycleways and footways), 18 (roadworks), 22 (lighting), 24 (flood consequence assessment), 33 (surface water disposal), 39 (sustainability statement) and 43 (access to open water) of permission for the regeneration of the former Llanwern steelworks (Glan Llyn) in relation to a permanent warehouse facility and associated infrastructure associated with the CAF commercial unit at St Modwen Park at 1 Monks Ditch Drive, St Modwen Park.

Proposed part single storey part two storey rear extension, addition of two rear roof dormers, amendment to front roof dormer, removal of front boundary walls and installation of electric vehicle charging point at Cromwell Cottage, Isca Road, Caerleon.

  • Newport City Council has made an order to temporarily close a section of towpath on the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal between Bettws and Malpas.

An alternative route is not available. The reason for making the order is for path improvement works. Works will be phased to avoid total closure and the path will be open during evenings and weekends when possible. The proposed order will be operative from February 7, 2022, and will continue in force for a period not exceeding six months or until the works which it is proposed to carry out have been completed, whichever is the earlier.

  • Monmouthshire council Council is looking for volunteers to join education appeal panels to hear appeals regarding the admission and exclusion of pupils.

It is looking to recruit both lay members and experienced members to sit on the panels and the authority must appoint either three or five members to each panel. Each panel must consist of at least one lay member and one person of experience in education.

To be considered as a lay member, you must be a person without personal experience in the management of any school or the provision of education in any school (other than as a school governor or in another voluntary capacity would be permitted), and not have, not at any time have had, any connection with the local education authority, or if there is another reason to call into question their ability to act in an impartial manner.

To be considered as an education member you must be a person with experience in education, who is acquainted with the educational conditions in the area of the authority, or who is the parent of a pupil registered at another school.

As a panel member to are eligible to receive allowances for financial loss, travel and subsistence.

The panels will hear appeals from pupils in both primary and secondary schools.

They normally sit between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Those appointed will always be consulted as to their availability for attendance.

For more information or an informal chat contact Clare Williams, legal services, at

An application form can be obtained from

The notice is dated February 1, 2022, and the closing date is 28 days from the date of the notice.

  • Mr Jeremy Fox and Mrs Josephine Fox, trading as Vixen Recovery of 1 Valley Meadow Close, Newbridge, are applying for a Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence to use RR Motor Mechanics, Unit 73, Springvale Industrial Estate, Cwmbran, as an operating centre for one goods vehicle and no trailers.


  • Joanne Griffiths, trading as X Transport Ltd of 41 Oaklands View, Greenmeadow, Cwmbran, is applying to change an existing Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence to keep an extra one goods vehicle and no trailers at the operating centre at Mamhilad Park Estate, Mamhilad, Pontypool.