THE lights are off and for the moment, no one appears to be at home.

This is the latest situation at NP Mini Market, a small convenience store in Newport city centre.

Located on the corner of Commercial Street and Stow Hill in the Westgate Building, it has recently found itself at the centre of a disorderly behaviour storm.

It has been alleged that either people have engaged in “disorderly, offensive or criminal behaviour” inside the store, or that its use is “likely to result in serious nuisance to members of the public”.

As a result of these concerns, Newport City Council took the occupier to court, in the hopes of securing a closure order.

And, at a hearing in Cwmbran Magistrates Court last Thursday, February 10, a closure order was granted, with magistrates deciding that the order would be “necessary to prevent the behaviour or nuisance from continuing, recurring, or occurring”.

From 5pm on Friday, February 11, the store has been ordered to close, and remain closed for three months – up until May 11, 2022.

On Friday, there was activity at the premises, with some items being seen to have been removed from the shop.

Today - Monday, February 14 - all seems quiet inside NP Mini Market – though anyone who does have access has good reason for staying away for the next three months.

South Wales Argus: NP Mini Market, where closure signs have been posted on the doorwayNP Mini Market, where closure signs have been posted on the doorway

Signs, taped to the main entrance, reveal that anyone who breaches the closure order and enters the premises “will be guilty of an offence and be liable on conviction to imprisonment up to three months, or a fine, or both.”

This applies to anyone who resides at this site, or anyone who has control or responsibility over the premises.

The notices posted in the doorway of the shop have been signed by Gareth Price – head of law and regulation at Newport City Council.