THE hit cooking show Come Dine With Me is on the hunt for restaurants in Newport to take part in a brand new series.

Come Dine With Me – The Professionals – a new twist on the original show’s format, wants to put some of Newport’s finest restaurants up against each other as they battle for the prize of the best menu.

It’s understood that the show is also looking for restaurants in the Cardiff area too.

The Channel 4 show wants restaurants in Newport to apply by nominating at least one chef and one other staff member to represent them in a battle against two other restaurant duos in a bid to host the best dining experience and walk away with £1,000 and the prestigious Come Dine With Me - The Professionals Award.

The evening will be marked on food and drink, service, atmosphere and overall experience.

Sasha Risner, who is the show’s casting producer, said: "Considering the amazing variety of unique and delicious restaurants all over Newport, there will be some hot competition in this show.

“We are looking for restaurant duos with bags of personality who are up for the challenge of winning £1,000 for their restaurant"

The only criteria is that those applying are over 18 and work as a chef or member of staff in the restaurant they are representing.

Filming will take place in the restaurant during service and the show will need permission from the owner for the restaurant to feature.

The shoot will take place between Monday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 20. If you’re up for the challenge, you can apply here: