NEWPORT Live’s ‘Welly Walks’ proved successful in half term - and will return for the Easter holidays.

These free inclusive walks, aimed at children aged three to five and their families, use parks and green spaces to encourage youngsters to be active during the school holidays.

More than 30 children and their parents took part in Welly Walks at Beechwood Park and Caerleon Roman Amphitheatre, which included an animal walk followed by sports games and activities.

Each child who attended one of the walks was given a free activity pack to take home, which encourages families to be active together.

South Wales Argus:

Community Sport & Physical Activity Development Officer at Newport Live, Brittany Cloke, said:

“Newport Live’s Community Sport & Wellbeing team recently completed a SKIP-Cymru Level 3 and 4 training courses on how to better support children’s physical literacy.

“Welly Walks were created and launched based on the teams learning and findings from the course - in particular the need for young children to be taught how to move well early on in their development.

This is because it will act as the foundation for them to be more physically active throughout their life which will have a positive benefit on their mental and physical health.

“The initiative has been a great success and we are in the process of planning a series of Welly Walks to take place during the Easter holidays.”

Newport Live’s Community Sport and Wellbeing Team delivers sport, health and wellbeing, inclusion, and Positive Futures youth engagement opportunities for:

  • Children;
  • Families;
  • Schools;
  • Communities;
  • Sports clubs;
  • Local groups across Newport.

The team aims to increase physical activity and support mental wellbeing. As Newport Live is a charitable organisation, all its customers and members are helping to support the delivery of community projects and activities across Newport.

To find out more about Welly Walk events, call 01633 656757 or e-mail