A PLAN to build a shed at the side of a house in Tredegar has been approved by councillors – against the wishes of planning officers.

Bernadette Walters has been granted permission to build a shed in her garden at 154 Gainsborough Road, Tredegar.

The application was discussed by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s planning committee on Thursday, March 3.

The house is one of a pair of semi-detached properties and is sited at an angle to the road with a garden that wraps around three sides of the house.

Some years ago, there had been a garage where the shed had been planned for, but this had been demolished.

Blaenau Gwent planning officer Jane Engel’s report said that planning permission should be refused, saying it would “appear as an incongruous feature that will have an unacceptable visual impact upon the street-scene to the detriment of the character and appearance of the surrounding area.”

She added that the application had been called in by local county councillors to be decided by the committee.

Ms Engel said that there were no “similar structures” on the street and that it would affect the “uniformity” to the street frontage.

Due to this Ms Engel said that the plans was contrary to policy and  recommended refusal.

Cllr Haydn Trollope said: “The applicant has done everything they can and there was always a garage there.

“There’s no problem with the neighbours they are more than happy for the shed to go there.

“I just don’t understand what the problem is, I would ask the committee to look at the common sense of this.”

Cllr Bernard Willis said: “I’ve been up to see this twice I don’t think this is impacting at all on neighbours, it’s not coming forward any more than the house.

“There have been no objections, I really can’t understand where the officer is coming from.”

“There was a garage there in the past and I don’t see any problem with having a shed there.”

Cllr Willis added that if councillors wanted to refuse the application, they should visit the site first.

Cllr David Wilkshire: “All we are doing is replacing like for like virtually I see no reason to refuse this.

With the discussion moving towards approving the proposal, development management team leader Step Hopkins advised councillors that planning officers should be allowed to put conditions on any planning permission given,

Cllr Willis moved to support the application provided the applicant could “negotiate” the conditions with planning officers.

The application was approved by 11 votes for and one against.