WORK to allow a sports club to have full access to pitches has moved a step forward – after delayed work to remove overhead electricity cables was moved forward.

Ponthir Sports Club at Oaklands Sports Ground had raised £37,000 to bury cables underground – which was completed shortly after a spell of bad weather delayed the work.

All that was left to do was remove the overhead cables – which currently cross the ground and prevents many sports being played there – and connect the buried cables to the system.

Western Power Distribution told the club that they could not do the work until late April due to ‘other commitments elsewhere in the region’ – which would mean Ponthir Cricket Club would miss more than a month of the new cricket season, potentially losing out on vital income from the matches - and risking players moving to other clubs as a result.


But after frequent calls between the club and power company, it was ‘good fortune’ as cricketer and Western Power’s Gwent team manager, David Fortune, stepped in to bring the work forward.

“I know Ponthir’s cricket ground well having played there many times, and I applaud the club’s initiative in working with WPD to remove the overhead powerlines,” said Mr Fortune.

“It took some persuasion and not a few favours, but I was pleased to be able to bring forward the removal of the lines by three weeks which I know will make a huge difference to the club.”

The club’s grounds director Mike Holcombe and South Wales sports grounds commercial director Neil Belsham were delighted to hear this and thanked Mr Fortune and Western Power Distribution for their work to resolve the issue.

The work will now be carried out on April 4 and 5.