A busy road which links Newport city centre with western suburbs of the city is set for late night road closures this week.

It has been confirmed that a section of Caerau Road will be closed for all motorists, to allow for highway repairs to be carried out.

The road is used as a major throughfare for traffic heading from the city centre towards Stow Hill and Risca Road – which itself leads on to the M4 at J27.

But, between 7pm and midnight on Monday April 11 and Tuesday April 12, motorists will have to find an alternative route.

Newport City Council has confirmed that Caerau Road will be closed from the junction with Clytha Park Road to the junction of Clyffard Crescent – roughly halfway up one of the city’s steepest streets.

Signs have been posted on each end of the street to warn motorists of the upcoming works.

Local residents have also been sent letters, asking that they keep their vehicles outside this area during these times.

These letters also indicate that some access will be available for residents.

Pedestrian access will be unaffected by the works.

What have residents been told?

Letters sent to Caerau Road residents by Newport City Council have been shared with the Argus, and they read as follows: “(Newport City Council) will be completing resurfacing works on Caerau Road, between number 2 Caerau Road and the junction of Clyffard Crescent.

“The works will take place between 7pm and midnight on the Monday 11 April and Tuesday 12 April.

“To ensure the works are carried out quickly and effectively to a minimum disruption to the residents, can you please refrain from parking in the works area.

“A localised closure will be in place for the safety of workers. Access will be available for residents only.

“Emergency access will be available at all times, and the traffic management contractor will be on hand to assist residents at all times.

“Pedestrian access will also be available at all times.”