WE WERE all treated to some (mostly) good weather this Bank Holiday - and this looks to be continuing throughout this week.

It may actually get warmer this week, but the sun may be hiding behind clouds later in the week.

Here are the predictions from the Met Office for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, April 20

Wednesday is predicted to be the warmest day of the week, with temperatures reaching to a high of 18 degrees in Monmouthshire.

Newport, Torfaen and Caerphilly will have to be content with it being one degree colder at 17 degrees.

In Blaenau Gwent it will be colder still, with temperatures reaching a high of 15 degrees from 3pm to 5pm.

In fact, most of the warmer weather is predicted to come between 3pm and 5pm for all of Gwent.

It is predicted that the day will be cloudy with frequent sunny intervals.

No bad weather is predicted, though cloudy spells have a small chance of rain.


Thursday, April 21

Although not as warm as Wednesday, Thursday will still be nice for most of Gwent.

The potential exception to this is Monmouthshire, where it is predicted to be overcast between around 4pm and 7pm.

The temperature will drop by about one degree across Gwent and sunny intervals are predicted everywhere at around 10am and 1pm.

The warmer part of the day is predcited to start from 1pm until 4pm, with it slightly cooling off at night.

Friday, April 22

Again, the temperature will be dropping by about one degree across Gwent.

There is less chance of seeing the sun, with it predicted to be cloudy throughout the day everywhere.

In Newport, Monmouthshire and Torfaen, predictions are that it will be overcast at around 4pm.

The wind will noticeably pick up across the area, with gusts likely reaching a high of 36 miles per hour in Blaenau Gwent.

It will not be much better for the rest of Gwent, with the lowest gust speed in the region at 1pm being 32mph in Newport.

The wind will start to pick up at around 10am and will be at its highest at 1pm.

This will reduce as the day goes on, but not by much.