A CAERPHILLY man has been fined and hit with a lengthy driving ban after taking a vehicle without consent.

Appearing before Mid Wales Magistrates Court in Merthyr Tydfil, Jordan Jones pleaded guilty to three motoring offences earlier this month (Wednesday, April 20).

The 23-year-old, of Upper High Street, Rhymney, was found to have taken a white BMW 1 Series “without the consent of the owner or other lawful authority”.

Before it was recovered, damage of less than £5,000 was found to have been caused to the vehicle.

An aggravating factor to the charge was the fact that Jones was found to have been the initial taker of the motor, on January 29, at Garden City, Merthyr Tydfil.

Despite initially pleading not guilty, Jones changed his plea to guilty.

Jones also pleaded guilty to driving the vehicle without holding the correct license to do so, on the Heads of the Valley Road.

Additionally, he pleaded guilty to driving the vehicle without being in possession of third party insurance.

His guilty pleas were taken into account, and Jones was issued with a three year ban from holding or obtaining a driving license.

He was also ordered to carry out 80 hours of supervised, unpaid work.

What’s more, he is required to pay £400 in compensation, a £95 surcharge to fund victim services, and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

All told, Jones has been required to pay a balance of £580.