A SPECIAL concert will be held in Blaina on Friday.

The concert will take place at The Bush Inn on Friday, May 27 to raise funds and awareness of an aggressive cancer strain.

The gig is inspired by teenager Pippa Kendrick. The 18-year-old from Nantyglo was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, last November. The tumour was removed successfully but due to the aggressive strain found following a biopsy, she is currently on an intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy regime.

The concert will feature Pippa’s dad Kenny’s band Mistakes Were Made alongside an acoustic set from Marshall Chess. Full Dark No Stars will close the evening with a set full of rock hits.

Funds raised will be split between Teenage Cancer Trust, Sarcoma UK, The Little Princess Trust, Young Lives vs Cancer and Hospice of the Valleys.

Mr Kendrick said: “This is an important night for Pippa as she continues her exhaustive treatment. A total of five charities will be supported as she is keen to contribute to their work and make other teenagers aware of the support which is out there.”


Wayne Cole, owner of the The Bush Inn, which recently reopened, offered the venue for the show. He said: “I’m so pleased that the Bush is involved, and I am sure that we can provide a full house to support Pippa and these incredible organisations.”

There will be a raffle on the night with a number of prizes. Mr Kendrick said: “Bands have been very generous, and we have had some cracking music related items donated, and those who cannot attend the event but have contributed via the GoFundMe page will also be included in the draw as a big thank you.”

A GoFundMe has also been set up to help with the fundraising – which has passed £3,000 already. You can find the page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/raising-vital-funds-for-pippas-support-network?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer

Entrance for the event is £2 on the night.