A BRAVE single mum acted like “a lioness” when she confronted a “howling” burglar who had broken into her flat with another man.

Sonja Lazic courageously stood up to David Francis and threatened him with a shard of glass after he smashed his way in through her window. 

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The victim, who made Newport her home after fleeing war-torn Bosnia in the 1990s, admitted being initially “paralysed with fear” before boldly confronting the defendant.

Francis, 38, who has 48 convictions for 123 offences and began his criminal career as a 10-year-old, stared at her before fleeing the scene.


He was linked to the crime after leaving his DNA on the handle of her kitchen window and was later picked out by Ms Lazic in an identity parade.

Her daughter had been in the flat when their terrifying ordeal unfolded.

Francis, of Gaer Vale, Newport, denied committing burglary and attempted burglary on March 7, 2020 but was convicted by a jury in his absence.

He was jailed for seven years by Judge Richard Williams who commended Ms Lazic for her “extreme bravery” and put her forward for a £500 reward.

Nuhu Gobir, prosecuting, read her victim impact statement at Newport Crown Court: “When I realised two males are trying to break into my property, I was horrified especially because I am a single mother.

“I realised these males were not going to stop and I was paralysed with fear.

“After this incident, my life turned into a horror story.”

Judge Williams told Francis: “At about 5.50am on the morning of March 7 you and another man scaled a roof in order to gain entry into Sonja’s Lazic flat in Newport.

“The method of entry was to smash a kitchen window.

“Sonja Lazic was in bed but on hearing the noise ran into her kitchen to investigate.

“She screamed at you and you left the premises and she decided to comfort her daughter.

“But you and that other man returned and you removed the remaining smashed glass in the kitchen window and reached inside.

“Sonja Lazic again reacted by running into the kitchen and she picked up a shard of glass from that window and threatened you with it.”

The judge added: “She describes that you were howling and also that you stared at her for a time before you eventually left.

“These offences have had devastating affects on the two victims and they received cuts from broken glass in the kitchen.

“It has aggravated Sonja Lazic’s pre-existing post traumatic stress disorder, a disorder resulting from her experience of trauma in Bosnia.”

“She has the heart of a lioness and was extremely brave doing what she did.”

William Bebb, representing the defendant, said his client’s offending had been “unsophisticated and impulsive”.

His barrister added how Francis had racked up 16 convictions before he had even turned 13.

The court was told the defendant has suffered from a crack cocaine addiction and alcohol “abuse”.