CHANGES to how Blaenau Gwent will conduct council business have been questioned by opposition councillors.

At a meeting of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council on Thursday, May 26, councillors were told that there will be fewer scrutiny committees and a “presiding member” role created instead of having a chairman or woman.

The suggested salary for a council presiding officer according to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales, is £25,593.

Cllr Wayne Hodgins wondered whether the extra spend on the presiding officer role would go down well in the “court of public opinion.”

Council leader, Cllr Steve Thomas said: “In creating this position we have reduced the number of scrutiny committees, this role will not incur any further costs to the council.”

He added that the senior salaries paid to councillors who are board members of Silent Valley would be scrapped as part of the changes.

Cllr Thomas said: “The role needs a degree of professionalism and needs to be impartial.”

Scrutiny committees will also come down to four.

Cllr Thomas said: “We’ve looked at the good practice that other councils are doing, and our scrutiny committees were becoming antiquated.

“There is no extra cost.”

He pointed out that losing nine councillors in the recent boundary shake up meant that money saved on councillor salaries could be used in the restructure.

Cllr Lee Parson asked whether the presiding officer would have access to a civic car.

But Cllr Thomas replied: “Rumours to that or bringing back the mayor are absolute nonsense.”

Cllr Joanna Wilkins wanted reassurance that scrutiny “was not going to be bypassed”.

Cllr Wilkins also asked the changes to be reviewed in a year’s time.

Cllr Thomas said: “Scrutiny is going to be a vital part of what we do, and this is going to strengthen it.

“If you come up with something really good I’m happy to acknowledge where it came from.”

He added that there would be “another conversation” on the changes in a year’s time.

The changes were noted, and Cllr Thomas went on to nominate Cllr Chris Smith to the role of presiding officer and Cllr David Wilkshire to the role of deputy presiding officer.

Both nominations were seconded by Cllr Lisa Winnett.

With the nominations approved, Cllr Thomas handed over chairing the meeting to Cllr Smith.

The new scrutiny committees are:

  • People scrutiny committee – which will be chaired by Cllr Tommy Smith;
  • Place scrutiny committee –  which will be chaired by Cllr Malcolm Cross;
  • Partnership scrutiny committee – which will be chaired by Cllr Wayne Hodgins;
  • Corporate and Performance scrutiny committee – which will be chaired by Cllr Joanna Wilkins.