WE LOVE to throw a bit of a curve ball at our camera club members when it comes to picking a theme for our weekly spread - so this week we decided it should be mud.

But, as always, the pictures came flooding in, as the photographers were not in the least phased by this request.

This is just a small selection of the pictures shared by members of the South Wales Argus Camera Club and you can see more by visiting the SWACC page on Facebook. More than 4,700 people are signed up as camera club members. Why not join them?

South Wales Argus:

These two were having a good old wollow in the mud at St James Reservoir, Tredegar. Picture: Samantha Hawkins

South Wales Argus:

This pup looks happy jumping in the mud at Number 9 ponds, Tredegar. Picture: Justine Jarvis

South Wales Argus:

Another fury friend having a lovely time. Picture: Daniel Brown

South Wales Argus:

Mud glorious mud in Usk. Picture: Helen Baxter

South Wales Argus: Swing: Muddy knees. Picture: Vicki Bloomfield

Muddy knees. Picture: Vicki Bloomfield

South Wales Argus: Muddy: Mia in Llanyravon Fields. Picture: Danny Peachy Moreton

Mia in Llanyravon Fields. Picture: Danny Peachy Moreton

South Wales Argus: Path in wheat field at Henllys. Picture: Maria Davies

Path in wheat field at Henllys. Picture: Maria Davies

South Wales Argus: Oink: A muddy pig in Newport. Picture: Nicola Gapper

A muddy pig in Newport. Picture: Nicola Gapper

South Wales Argus: Stunning: Newport city centre. Picture: Sian McDermott

Newport city centre. Picture: Sian McDermott

South Wales Argus: Mud: River Wye, Chepstow. Picture: David Barnes

River Wye, Chepstow. Picture: David Barnes