APPOINTMENTS at two medical centres in Gwent are being limited due to what the health board has described as "significant" staffing issues.

Brynmawr Medical Centre and Bryngwyn Surgery in Newport have taken the decision to temporarily only allow appointments for urgent and essential care.

This is due to "significant difficulties due to staff illnesses" according to a statement by Aneurin Bevan Health Board.

However, they stressed: "Please be assured that people will be seen if they have an urgent need."

The health board has urged people to contact Brynmawr Medical Centre and Bryngwyn Surgery by telephone before attending.

"The practices thank you for your patience at this time and please keep an eye on their social media feeds for updates," the health board spokesperson said.

This comes as the health board has also warned the Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran is under serious strain, with many staff off work with Covid-19.

While it is unclear how many staff members at the hospital are currently affected by the virus, it was confirmed that covid within the staff team is “as reflected in our communities, also causing further strain on our services.”

At this time, it is estimated that around one-in-30 people in Wales currently have covid, with an omicron variant currently the primary source of coronavirus nationwide.