HERE is your weekly fix of pets from around Gwent.

Each week we bring you a selection of pictures which reader's have sent in of their beloved pets.

If you want to be part of this just to go and fill in the quick and easy Q&A.

South Wales Argus: Frankie Henderson sent in this picture of her five-year-old poochon Luna and her eight-week-old kitten Nahla

Frankie Henderson sent in this picture of her five-year-old poochon Luna and her eight-week-old kitten Nahla.

South Wales Argus: Jane Gilbert shared this picture of Dotty

Jane Gilbert shared this picture of Dotty.

South Wales Argus: Leanne 'Valiant' Gamble said: "We didn’t get the joy of seeing our cats as kittens as they were abandoned and rescued but their babies were pretty adorable."

Leanne 'Valiant' Gamble said: "We didn’t get the joy of seeing our cats as kittens as they were abandoned and rescued but their babies were pretty adorable."

South Wales Argus: Terrianne Morris sent in this picture of her son's kitten Fireman Sam

Terrianne Morris sent in this picture of her son's kitten Fireman Sam.

South Wales Argus: Miriam Deacon shared this picture of Bramble

Miriam Deacon shared this picture of Bramble.

South Wales Argus: Bethan Blake shared this picture of Mia

Bethan Blake shared this picture of Mia.

South Wales Argus: Jessica Hope sent in this picture of Teddy

Jessica Hope sent in this picture of Teddy.