THE parents of a man who was found dead in a suspected murder earlier this month have remembered him as “a lovely person”.

Richard Marc Ash was found unresponsive at an address in Long Row, Elliots Town, in Caerphilly on Sunday, July 17.

Gwent Police were called to the scene at around 12.40am and attended along with Welsh Ambulance Services paramedics, where it was confirmed the 57-year-old had died..

His parents have released the following tribute to him:

“Richard Marc was an introverted, lovely person. We were blessed to be his parents.

“All those who knew Richard Marc have nothing but praise for the type of man he was.

“He was a lovely person, and we will always remember him as such.”

Rebecca Press, 31, of Second Avenue, Trecenydd, has been charged with his murder, and has been remanded in custody. She is due to appear for a plea and trial preparation hearing on August 17.

Gwent Police are not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident at this time.