PLANS to change a first-floor office into a four-bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) have been approved by Newport City Council’s planning officers.

The property is located above a café at 149 Chepstow Road, in the Victoria ward. It will have a communal kitchen, living room and bathroom.

The council’s HMO licensing officer has said the building is suitable for a maximum of five people – due to the fact there is only one shower.

According to the application, the bedrooms are all located at the back of the property to reduce the impact of noise from the “busy” road.

The design and access statement states that the HMO will appeal to “people on a low income, young workers and young professionals” because of the proximity to facilities and transport links.

Prior to the approval, Victoria ward councillor Gavin Horton had objected to the application.

He said: “I have spoken with several residents, and it is very apparent that parking is already an issue in the area and the requirement of so many additional vehicles will put additional stress in the area.”

The Labour councillor added: “I would be much more inclined to support a more family-friendly change of use, to an apartment.”

This application is a re-submission of the original application, which was refused due to inadequate parking.

The statement, which was published by Heights and Joy Planning and Architecture on behalf of the client, says parking is available on surrounding streets.

Council highways officer Anthony Novis said the parking shortfall had been addressed in the re-submission of the planning application.

Four secure bike spaces are also included in the plans.