THE RNLI rushed to rescue a bride and groom from a beach - after the tide cut them off during their post-wedding photoshoot.

Following a traditional Hindu ceremony in Sully, Wales, the couple wanted to capture some stunning photographs.

Accompanied by their photographer Mehul Shah, the newlyweds ventured out onto Sully Island - which can only be accessed when the tide is out.

But bride Shaniya and her new husband Sohil then found themselves stranded after an hour-long shoot on August 14.

South Wales Argus:

One of the stunning shots taken of the coulple at Sully

The RNLI deployed a lifeboat to rescue the couple and as a result, achieved some once-in-a-lifetime photographs.

The bride, Shaniya, said: ''As soon as they got there, they were like: 'Congratulations, this is a first, we've never had to rescue a bridal party before!'

South Wales Argus:

The bride and groom being rescued

"They were laughing and joking with us the whole day, it probably made their day to be honest!

"They were absolutely amazing about the whole thing, even trying their hardest not to get my outfit dirty."