A COMPANY that specialises in producing food sauces will have a planning application to build a new storage building and offices decided by Blaenau Gwent councillors next week.

A planning application by Shoda Sauces Ltd for the scheme at Units 19 and 20, Rising Sun Industrial Estate, in Blaina will be discussed at a Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s planning meeting on Thursday, September 8.

The firm was granted approval for a storage building back in 2021, but has now come back to the council with an application for a bigger warehouse and an extra building for office space.

The proposed warehouse would measure 60m wide, 18m deep, with a pitched roof with a maximum height of 8.6m, falling to 6.65m at eaves level.

The office accommodation would be a detached, two-storey structure positioned to the east of the storage building.

The application site relates to an irregular-shaped parcel of land with an area of approximately 0.4 hectares which was mostly used for parking, storage, and service yard area to the north and west of the existing industrial buildings.

The documents show that a 40-space replacement car park would be created at the western side of the site.

Planning officer, Helen Hinton said: “Even though larger than the development previously approved, on balance, it is considered that the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed development and the overall form, scale, massing and external finish of the buildings would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the industrial estate.

“In summary, it is considered that the proposal would enhance opportunities for economic development, business growth and employment in the area in compliance with national planning policy,  and it is recommended that planning permission be granted.”

Before building work can start a sustainable drainage application (SuDS) will need to be approved.

Shoda Sauces was established in South Wales in the late 1990s.

Their parent company, Shoda Shoyu was originally set up in Japan in 1873 to brew soy sauce using traditional methods and skills.