A NURSING agency which operates across south Wales has paid tribute to the “immense courage” shown by healthcare workers since the start of the pandemic more than two years ago.

In showing its appreciation to the health and care industry, Direct Nursing Services is sponsoring the Best Place to Work Award in this year’s South Wales Health & Care Awards.

The University of South Wales are the headline sponsors of the September 29 event, which takes place at Rougemont School in Newport.

“We would like to thank the South Wales Argus for holding these awards, as we continue paying tribute to frontline workers, especially those in the healthcare sector, to whom we all should be eternally grateful,” said Direct Nursing Services’ Dale Russell.

“These awards are designed to celebrate all that is good about the healthcare workforce and the NHS, who we are so proud to work in partnership with.

“Reflecting on the skills, dedication, compassion and expertise that healthcare staff provide, and to recognise the positive difference they make to so many people’s lives, we thank you.

“Direct Nursing Services has had the privilege of working with thousands of nurses and healthcare support workers and clients over the past 25 years through south, mid and west Wales, and to them we would also like to give our personal appreciation.

“Every year brings its own challenges, but the last few years have been more demanding than most.

“Our health, social care and NHS services have been under immense strain, and the daily pressure that staff and the people we serve have experienced is like nothing we have seen in our lifetime.

“The way Wales has responded has been nothing short of incredible.”

She added: “Throughout the pandemic, the care and commitment to duty of all of you reflects the immense courage you have found in meeting the demands made of you.

“Such courage is only born from the deepest compassion and those qualities which define who you are and what you do.

“We would like to thank you and your staff for who you are, we thank your families for their understanding of who you are, what you have done and continue to do.

“As we continue to strive to slow the spread of Covid-19, your ongoing hard work on behalf of the British public is more vital than ever.

“We congratulate all award winners and finalists with our total admiration and respect.”

For more information about Direct Nursing Services, visit directnursingservices.net.

  • To purchase tickets for the South Wales Health & Care Awards, email alicia.duggan@newsquest.co.uk