WE have a simple message today, and that is to urge you to use your vote in tomorrow's local council elections.

We know there is a sizeable proportion of you out there who will think why bother?' And we also realise that newspapers always repeat this message at local and general election time.

However, we also know that nothing generates more letters to this paper than what our local authorities have or have not done.

So if you are one of the hundreds of people who each year send us letters about everything from litter and dog fouling to the state of our parks or public buildings, then get out tomorrow and do something about it.

The decisions made by local authorities have a much greater effect on our daily lives than those made by MPs or AMs or MEPs.

By voting you will ensure councillors are publicly accountable - the cornerstone of our democratic system.

It is too easy to sit back and moan about what is going on around us, but unless we take the time to make sure our vote counts then surely they are empty grumbles.

All our councils are up for re-election tomorrow.

We urge you to show the councillors that they have to listen to the people who really do pull the strings, and that is every one of you.