MONMOUTHSHIRE County Council are working with Abergavenny Chamber of Trade to rehouse stall holders from Abergavenny's outdoor market whilst a multi-million pound redevelopment takes place.

The development of the Brewery Yard site will begin in October and is expected to take at least a year, but it is understood the Chamber of Trade believe it could take up to 15 months, One option currently being discussed is moving stall-holders to Lion Street, Cross Street, Market Street, Tiverton Place car park and St John's Square. Yet this option could mean road closures on Cross Street and Market Street.

Now the Chamber of Trade is hoping the Council will consider another option.

"We have come up with an alternative proposal which would create a trading loop around the town centre," said Chamber of Trade member David Haswell.

The loop of stalls would run along Red Square, High Street, Flannel Street, the car park behind Boots, St Johns Square, Nevill Street, before rejoining the High Street up to the Market Hall.

The proposed route would require permission from site owners but Mr Haswell was keen to point out the benefits. "The beauty of the proposal is that it does not require the closure of Cross Street or Market Street and will allow construction to go ahead without causing traffic chaos.

"The work is expected to span two Christmases and next year's Food Festival so it's important Monmouthshire County Council get this right."

Stall-holders trade in Abergavenny on Tuesdays and Saturdays.