JUSTICE Secretary Jack Straw is being urged to exert pressure on the Treasury to clear the way for a new court-house in Newport - 25 years after it was first mooted.

Now junior justice minister Maria Eagle is to meet Newport East MP Jessica Morden, who wants the justice department to intervene to speed a decision.

Ms Morden's move in calling for action comes only a few days after the Courts Service assets management committee examined a strategic outline case for a new court-house.

Ms Eagle told the Newport MP in the Commons "further work is now required before a final funding decision can be reached."

Ms Morden said: "Newport has needed a new court house for 25 years, and an inspection in 2002 deemed the current facilities unfit for purpose."

She now wants the minister to talk to the Treasury about speeding up the financial approval for the project.

Ms Morden said: "It is the number one priority in terms of new court buildings in Wales."

Ms Eagle told the MP during exchanges at Justice questions: "I am happy to discuss with you the details of the stage that we have reached in examining potential investments in that court-house.

"I accept that Her Majesty's court service, regionally and nationally, has decided that the magistrates court in Newport is the most pressing priority in that area."