A NEWPORT single mother-of-two who inspired others to take up learning is being considered for a major achievement award from NIACE Dysgu Cymru.

Renate Paetel, 33, from Pill is up for an Inspire Adult Learner Award for her determination to achieve and overcoming major obstacles.

In 1992, Miss Paetel was a 17-year-old A Level student when her world changed as she fell pregnant with her daughter Samiera.

She was forced to quit her studies and education took a back seat.

"When I had Samiera I promised myself I'd go back into education," Miss Paetel said.

A few years later Miss Paetel gave birth to her son Kai (now 10), meaning a return to learning was delayed again and took secretarial job at the Royal Gwent Hospital.

"There was no chance of promotion or moving into management and I thought I've got to do something for myself.

"I started a full-time access course to get me back into education but full-time was just to much for me and my children."

To balance her time between family and education Miss Paetel took on a part-time course in social sciences and her dedication was such tutors nominated her for the NIACE(National Institute of Adult Continuing Education) award. She's now about to start a criminal and community justice degree at the University of Wales, Newport.

"The degree will mean I'm able to work as a probation officer, but I don't think that's what I want to do.

"I'm looking for a more hands-on role helping with the regeneration work in Pill. I'd like to work with young offenders to stop them from reoffending," she said.

Miss Paetel will find out later this month if she has won.