IT WAS well worth the wait - that's the verdict on a new community centre.

Newport East community centre was officially opened in February and has quickly become a hive of activity.

Community workers and residents had battled for many years for this much-needed facility in an area with few amenities.

It was built after the council secured £650,000 of European Regional Development Fund money for the project.

When it was opened community development worker Zena Beirne described as a dream coming true.

Nora Rogers, chair of the community association, paid tribute to Mrs Beirne's part in getting the centre. "It is all thanks to Zena, she fought and fought for this."

Although it is based on the Moorland and Broadmead estate, Mrs Rogers stressed it was for residents in all of the Lliswerry area.

The spacious and welcoming centre boasts conference facilities and a computer suite - furnished with help from Solutia, a spacious and well-equipped youth room and a sports hall.

Solar panels on the roof generate electricity thanks to funding from the low carbon building programme and Euro-cash.

Two paid employees are based there, Mrs Beirne and support worker Sian Evans, but the centre is run by a small band of volunteers.

They provide buffets for conferences and other events as well as operating a cafe which is open to the public.

Many activities take place at the centre for all ages from mothers and toddlers to bingo for the older residents.

Courses are held and there is even a weekly fruit and veg co-op. It can also be hired for events and parties.

To contact the centre email or telephone 01633 275241.