A DISPERSAL order will be in place this weekend in Newport, covering the scene of an assault in which a man was hospitalised.

Gwent Police say the order will be in place between 7pm tonight (Friday, September 23) and 7pm on Sunday, September 25.

It comes, they say, following reports of anti-social behaviour in the area.

The areas covered by the order includes Stow Hill, Usk Way and the surrounding roads as shown on the map below. This includes Bridge Street, where a 32-year-old man was assaulted early on Thursday morning.

South Wales Argus:

Inspector Shaun Conway said: "Following reports of anti-social behaviour from the residents and businesses in Newport centre, we have issued this dispersal order.

"Anti-social behaviour can have a negative impact on the quality of life of our communities and it won’t be tolerated in Gwent.

"Our officers are committed to protecting our communities and will take action against anyone intent on causing harm or disorder.

“If you have any concerns about anti-social behaviour, and see us on our patrols, please do stop to talk to us.

"Alternatively, you can report your concerns by calling 101, or by sending us a direct message via Facebook or Twitter.”

Earlier today police released a video of two boys they would like to speak to following the incident.

Dispersal orders give officers extra powers to direct groups to leave an area if they are involved in ASB or disorder, if members of the public are being harassed, alarmed or distressed or if officers think their behaviour may lead to ASB.

If they return to that area after being moved on, they face being arrested.