A WOMAN set fire to a neighbour’s garden in an alcohol-fuelled arson attack because she falsely believed he was a paedophile.

Ceri-Ann Arthur poured petrol over his property and lit it with a match which saw decking, fencing and outside furniture engulfed in flames.

The estimated damage caused during the night-time fire in Caerphilly county was more than £7,000.

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“The police were called, the fire service attended the property to extinguish the blaze – nobody was hurt,” Christopher Evans, prosecuting, said.

“A jerry can was found on the floor next to the fence.

“Officers attended the defendant’s address and she smelled intoxicated and her words were slightly slurred.

“When she was arrested and walked towards the police car she made a comment, ‘Do you know why I did it? It’s because he’s a paedophile.'"

There was no basis behind her allegation and Arthur has suffered mental health, relationship and alcohol difficulties, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

In a victim impact statement, the complainant said: “Our (his and his family’s) lives will never be the same again.

“I can’t stop thinking about what could have happened.”

The 34-year-old defendant, of Lansbury Avenue, Cefn Hengoed, Caerphilly, pleaded guilty to arson.

The offence was committed on May 17.

She had also slashed the tyres of her estranged husband’s work van that night.

The defendant was made the subject of a 12-month conditional discharge for that offence at Newport Magistrates’ Court in May after she admitted criminal damage.

Arthur had served the equivalent of an eight-month jail sentence after being held in custody at women’s prison HMP Eastwood Park over the arson offence.

The defendant, represented by Jeffrey Jones, had never been in trouble with the law before this May.

Judge Michael Fitton KC told Arthur: “You got it into your head that there was a reason to suspect your neighbour of committing a criminal offence.”

He added that she had not only damaged property but caused her neighbour “emotional distress”.

Arthur was jailed for eight months, suspended for 18 months.

She must attend 20 sessions of a rehabilitation activity requirement.

The defendant was also made the subject of a five-year restraining order and must pay a £156 victim surcharge.

No order for compensation was made.