PLANS for a pair of semi-detached houses in Ebbw Vale will be decided by councillors next week.

At a meeting on Thursday, November 10, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s Planning Committee will make a decision on an application made by Ellerby Homes Limited, who want to build two semi-detached houses at plot two, on land next to Brentwood Place, Willowtown, Ebbw Vale.

The application has been brought in front of councillors as the developers have argued against having to pay a fee towards affordable homes in the county borough.

Planning officer Helen Hinton explained in her report that the site has a long history of planning permission dating back to at least 2003, when six housing plots were granted outline planning permission.

The documents show that both properties would measure 5.9 metres wide, 13.2 metres deep, with a ridge height of 8.55 metres, and would have three bedrooms.

The application has also received a couple of objections.

These objections are based on the scale and density of development, overshadowing of other houses causing a loss of light.

Ms Hinton said: “It is considered that the development would make efficient use of the land.

“The plot is large enough to accommodate a pair of dwellings of the

size and scale indicated whilst providing sufficient areas of amenity space and

onsite parking without appearing as an overdevelopment.”

“Although affordable housing contributions were not sought as part of the previous outline permissions, as this application seeks full planning

permission it would be independent of the previous consents and is therefore liable to make a commuted sum contribution.

“In response, the agent (Christopher Meredith) has provided a challenge to the request on the basis of viability.”

Ms Hinton explained that planning officers had reviewed the information and agreed that providing an affordable home contribution would make the development unaffordable.

Ms Hinton said: “Although the proposal would not make an affordable housing contribution, it is considered that the lack of provision in this instance would not be so significant to warrant refusal of the application on such grounds.

“On balance the application is considered compliant with the relevant policies

it is recommended that planning permission be granted.”

A further sustainable a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) application will need to be approved before building work can start.