DEMOLITION work on the former headquarters of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council has started.

Prichard’s Contractors have now commenced the demolition of the front part of the Civic Centre building in Ebbw Vale, which housed the main reception and a Council Chamber.

This follows a truncated planning process which started last summer, to allow demolition work to take place

On July 13, the council itself lodged an “application for prior notification of proposed demolition for the demolition of the Civic Centre and its associated structures.”

This process decides whether a full planning application is needed or not.

No formal plans were needed, and the notification was approved as a delegated decision by planning officers.

This was noted by the council’s planning committee at their meeting on September 8.

Funding of £650,000 was set aside for the demolition of the Civic Centre, which is expected to be covered by the subsequent sale of the land.

Deputy council leader and cabinet member for Environment Councillor, Helen Cunningham said: “Many people will be familiar with the Civic Centre, so its demolition marks the end of a chapter in Blaenau Gwent Council’s history.

“As a Council, we had already moved to more agile working practices, but the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated it.”

Cllr Cunningham added: “However, we remain committed to making sure our services are within easy reach.”

Community Hubs have been opened in libraries in Blaenau Gwent towns for residents to access council services and many of the council staff work from home.

According to a blueprint to revitalise Ebbw Vale it is expected that the Civic Centre site and its surrounding area will eventually become: “an exemplary neighbourhood of modern homes in a green sustainable setting.”

“A wide range can be accessed on our website but for those who prefer to speak to someone face-to face, they can do that at one of our community hubs based in town centre libraries.”

Work on demolition is expected to be finished by the end of March 2023.

The short section of access road off the A4046 (Tesco Road) down into the Civic Centre area will be closed for the duration of the works.

“Access to Bridge Street Health Centre and Ebbw Vale Job Centre Plus will be via the B4486 Cemetery Road.

The car park at the rear of the building (Western Terrace) will be fenced off, however a turning circle has been provided for motorists. The footpath from the underpass to Cemetery Road will be available at all times.

The decision to leave and demolish the 1960s Civic Centre was made back in March 2021.

The Grade II listed former steelworks General Office in Ebbw Vale has now become a “democratic hub” for Blaenau Gwent and is effectively the council’s headquarters.