A WEATHER warning predicting snow and ice today and tomorrow has now been extended to most of Gwent.

The Met Office is now forecasting snow and ice across most of South and West Wales until around midday on Sunday.

The organisation’s yellow warning predicts “possible snowfall to low levels” across Newport, Torfaen, Caerphilly, and Blaenau Gwent, with only some of the north and eastern areas of Monmouthshire getting away with milder conditions.

South Wales Argus:

The forecast says: “Some disruption is likely due to icy surfaces, with snowfall in a few places.”

The Met Office warns of the following:

  • Icy patches on untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths;
  • Possible injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces;
  • “In a few areas, difficult travel conditions may occur quite quickly due to heavy sleet, snow or hail showers, making surfaces slippery or even snow-covered.”