A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy who has spent the past four years suffering from painful bouts of chronic tonsillitis will face an even longer wait to have his tonsils out after a long-awaited appointment was cancelled.

Marley White, from Monmouth has been suffering from the condition since he was two years old. In the past 12 months alone he has suffered more than 18 episodes of tonsilitis, causing him to repeatedly miss school.

Hope was in sight after Marley was booked in for a pre-operative appointment on Monday, December 12, ahead of a long-awaited tonsillectomy. But just five hours before the appointment, mum Lisa was told it had been cancelled as the nurse was off sick.

South Wales Argus:

Marley with his little sister Bonnie

A spokesman for the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board apologised for the short notice of the cancellation, saying: "The specialist nature of Marley’s condition means there are only a small number of clinical specialists who could conduct his pre-operation assessment, and as we continue to experience staff shortages across the health board, we were unable to go ahead with the appointment."

They added: “We are currently seeing high numbers of winter viruses spreading throughout Gwent, which is putting severe pressure right across our system, including our children’s services.

“As ever, our staff are working extremely hard to meet this increased demand and provide efficient, timely care to our local population.”

Ms White said her son was "heartbroken" when he learned he would have to wait even longer for treatment.

“I am very upset and so is Marley," she said. "He is suffering his worst bout of tonsillitis to date, he has blisters at the back of his throat which is extremely distressing for him.

“He was really excited on the day of pre-op, he even went into school whilst ill to do his nativity performance, but he was heartbroken when the teacher broke the news to him of the cancelled appointment."

Ms White said she appreciated the pressure the NHS is under with the rise of winter viruses and Strep A. But for now Marley is once again left not knowing when he will finally get the treatment he needs.

South Wales Argus:

Ms White said: “Marley couldn’t wait to find out when he was having his operation so he could look forward to getting better but now he faces an even longer wait.”

She added she was also concerned about the amount of school he is missing.

“His friends have been understanding and welcome him back to school when he’s been off ill, but it's putting him at a disadvantage as he is missing out on so many things," she said.

The mum has now set up a go fund me page to raise money for Marley to have the operation privately. View the fundraiser at justgiving.com/crowdfunding/MarleyWhiteTonsillectomy