Here are more babies recently born in Gwent.

Every Monday on our New Arrivals page we give them a big welcome to the world.

If you’ve recently had a baby and would like to share your news with us go to and fill in our easy-to-use Q&A.

South Wales Argus: George Daniel Parker was born four weeks early on December 9, 2022, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 6lb 7oz. He is the first child of Nicole Sarah Dudley and Daniel Ray Parker, of Cwmbran. George Daniel Parker was born four weeks early on December 9, 2022, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 6lb 7oz. He is the first child of Nicole Sarah Dudley and Daniel Ray Parker, of Cwmbran.

South Wales Argus: Myles Peter Charles Salter was born on December 28, 2022, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 8lb 3oz. His parents are Shannon Hughes and Luke Salter, of Cwmbran, and his big brother is Archie,  who is 17 months old.Myles Peter Charles Salter was born on December 28, 2022, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 8lb 3oz. His parents are Shannon Hughes and Luke Salter, of Cwmbran, and his big brother is Archie, who is 17 months old.

South Wales Argus: Daisy Rae Willow Baggott was born on January 2, 2023, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 4oz. Her parents are Charlotte Baggott and Marcus Charles and her big brothers are Oliver, eight, and Harrison, five.Daisy Rae Willow Baggott was born on January 2, 2023, at the Grange University Hospital, near Cwmbran, weighing 7lb 4oz. Her parents are Charlotte Baggott and Marcus Charles and her big brothers are Oliver, eight, and Harrison, five.