A YOUNG woman was “led astray” by her partner-in-crime, who took her shoplifting in a city centre, a court heard.

Sadia Abbas, 23, from Newport was caught taking clothes from Next and medicine from Boots.

Nicholas Evans, prosecuting, told the city’s magistrates’ court: “A police officer was on patrol on Commercial Street in the city centre when they were radioed from one of the stores and attended.

“The defendant was with another woman and she was arrested.

“She provided a no comment interview at the police station.

“There was some degree of planning as the defendant was with the other woman.”

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Mr Evans added: “She took items from the shops and placed them in a bag and left without paying.

“The defendant has no previous convictions and unfortunately loses her good character today.

“All the items were recovered.”

Abbas, of Vivian Road, pleaded guilty to two counts of theft with the offences taking place on January 23.

Lydia Williams representing Abbas said she had been “led astray” by the other woman.

“This is her first appearance before a court,” she added. “This was very bad decision-making by her.

“It wasn’t very sophisticated offending and all the goods were recovered.

“My client is very remorseful.

“She had been through a bad patch and she felt lost at the time suffering with anxiety and depression.”

Presiding justice Nicholas Hobbs told Abbas: “The worst aspect of this case is that you have now lost your good character.”

The defendant was sentenced to a 12-month conditional discharge.

Abbas was ordered to pay £85 toward prosecution costs and a £26 victim surcharge.